100 Days of Solitude

It’s exactly 2 years since the madness began.

Since the world became a very different place.

A very different place indeed!

On March 20th 2020, one man started writing a poem every day. One poem every day for 100 days. These poems reflected what life was like in the craziest of times, and he shared them with friends, family, and anyone else who wanted a little boost at the start of each day.

Two years on, along with an array of friends, they are reciting each poem exactly two years to the day since they were written. Follow his journey each day

Video Diary

Good Afternoon all, this is Andrew again – Day Five was when Bertie arrived.

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To buy a copy of ‘100 Days of Solitude’, a compilation of all 100 poems, giving a truly unique insight into the craziest days of our lives.