About me…..

Welcome to ‘Moss Artisan’, Andrew Mossford and family’s very own home of poetry, art, upholstery – and anything else with a creative edge!

Andrew is a simple family man, living in the north-west of England with his wife, 3 daughters, 2 dogs, and 3-legged tortoise ‘Bernard’. Although he sits at a desk all day doing Financey things, he spends his spare time engulfed in creativity – a beautiful drawer of fine art; writer of extremely engaging poetry; and now even a spot of upholstery!

Andrew loves a good adventure, having travelled all round Asia, cycled from Land’s End to John O’Groats, swam the English Channel with his friends – basically, anything that he can write a good poem about!…

…and then along came the Covid pandemic! What better opportunity to re-engage with his poetic genes, so for 100 consecutive days he compiled a unique and engaging record of one of the most extraordinary times of our lives…and ‘100 Days of Solitude’ was born.